Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
the solution to everything!!!!!
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
its our world, our people, lets take care of it!!!! - mE
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
its our world, our people, lets take care of it!!!! - mE
so why did i posts those stats and poems?
-because its REAL!!!
and after seeing precious i really decided to do some research anyway...
First of all in my eyes rape or any other form of sexual abuse is probably the most DISGUSTING and SICKENING crime. I dont why anyone would feel like they have a right over someone else's innocence. The body is a very private....... welll the bible calls it temple. So we will go with that for now. It really hurts that most of the women i know have been victims of rape or other sexual abuse... That alone is horrible and I am sorry for anyone who has ever gone through it no one deserves to be treated in that way doesnt matter who they are. I hate that men feel just because some women dress a certain way (to provocative) that it automatically means they can do as they please with her or just because she has a certain reputation they now have authority over her. Yes!! i knowww not only are women victims of sexual abuse some males have also been victims. It is absurd to just steal someones innocence! You're just never the same afterwards. I know people who dont like any type of physical contact because they have been traumatized even just to hug a friend has become a burden. I know women who no longer wish to ever be touched by another man and have turned to other women. ( I am not implying anything about homosexuals please do not take my comment out of context) ...... Many become suicidal, blame themselves, become overly promiscous theresss manyyy different consequences and its just not fair IT REALLY ISNT!!! NO ONE HAS A RIGHT OVER ANYONE SO WHY DONT U ALL KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELVESS until you have been given permission..... Go fuckinnn masturbateee... Take a cold showerr... Go run 30 milesss do whatevr u have to do BUT DONTTTT hurt anyone else..... The damage is serioussss and it cant be undone
and if you drugged someone then NO they have not given you permission and yesss it still rape!! especially our children leave them alone!!!!
Then you stop and think..... what could have turned rapists into the sick bastards they are?
well maybe they were once abused...... or who knows what possibly goes through their heads.... My point is ITS SAD!!! VERYYYY VERY SAD!!! Its the same cycle overrr and over again.... We are hurting ourselves! the same story repeats itself.... first it was our mothers than it was us and then it will be our children if we dont do somethign about it.
There are women who seeee their husbands raper their own daughters and NOT do anythign about it!!!! HOWWWW???? i dont understand...... God knows im not a killer but dont pushh me...
RESPECT!!!! its so beautiful!!! but where did it go????
Why dont men respect women anymore? I know alot of women dont respect themselves but still MEN you should still respect them!!
Thosee are your mothers, daughterss, sistersss!!
Do men think they are better then women?? I dont get it!! you came from one....
Think of the way you treat females would u want your mother or sister or daughter to one day be treated that way??
sorry if i sound a little bitter.... its just stuff i been noticing lately....
-because its REAL!!!
and after seeing precious i really decided to do some research anyway...
First of all in my eyes rape or any other form of sexual abuse is probably the most DISGUSTING and SICKENING crime. I dont why anyone would feel like they have a right over someone else's innocence. The body is a very private....... welll the bible calls it temple. So we will go with that for now. It really hurts that most of the women i know have been victims of rape or other sexual abuse... That alone is horrible and I am sorry for anyone who has ever gone through it no one deserves to be treated in that way doesnt matter who they are. I hate that men feel just because some women dress a certain way (to provocative) that it automatically means they can do as they please with her or just because she has a certain reputation they now have authority over her. Yes!! i knowww not only are women victims of sexual abuse some males have also been victims. It is absurd to just steal someones innocence! You're just never the same afterwards. I know people who dont like any type of physical contact because they have been traumatized even just to hug a friend has become a burden. I know women who no longer wish to ever be touched by another man and have turned to other women. ( I am not implying anything about homosexuals please do not take my comment out of context) ...... Many become suicidal, blame themselves, become overly promiscous theresss manyyy different consequences and its just not fair IT REALLY ISNT!!! NO ONE HAS A RIGHT OVER ANYONE SO WHY DONT U ALL KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELVESS until you have been given permission..... Go fuckinnn masturbateee... Take a cold showerr... Go run 30 milesss do whatevr u have to do BUT DONTTTT hurt anyone else..... The damage is serioussss and it cant be undone
and if you drugged someone then NO they have not given you permission and yesss it still rape!! especially our children leave them alone!!!!
Then you stop and think..... what could have turned rapists into the sick bastards they are?
well maybe they were once abused...... or who knows what possibly goes through their heads.... My point is ITS SAD!!! VERYYYY VERY SAD!!! Its the same cycle overrr and over again.... We are hurting ourselves! the same story repeats itself.... first it was our mothers than it was us and then it will be our children if we dont do somethign about it.
There are women who seeee their husbands raper their own daughters and NOT do anythign about it!!!! HOWWWW???? i dont understand...... God knows im not a killer but dont pushh me...
RESPECT!!!! its so beautiful!!! but where did it go????
Why dont men respect women anymore? I know alot of women dont respect themselves but still MEN you should still respect them!!
Thosee are your mothers, daughterss, sistersss!!
Do men think they are better then women?? I dont get it!! you came from one....
Think of the way you treat females would u want your mother or sister or daughter to one day be treated that way??
sorry if i sound a little bitter.... its just stuff i been noticing lately....
In the United States,
-1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes ech month and 683,280 rapes each year.
-1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assulted in her lifetime.
-The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
-1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
-83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under.
-1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.
-1 in 12 males students surveyed had commited acts that met the legal definition of rape. Furthermore, 84% of the men who had commited such acts said what they had done was definitely not rape.
-75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquintance rape had been drinking or using drugs.
-Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police.
In the United States,
-1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1872 rapes each day, 56160 rapes ech month and 683,280 rapes each year.
-1 out of every 3 American women will be sexually assulted in her lifetime.
-The United States has the world's highest rape rate of the countries that publish such statistics. It's 4 times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England, and 20 times higher than Japan.
-1 in 7 women will be raped by her husband.
-83% of rape cases are ages 24 or under.
-1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.
-1 in 12 males students surveyed had commited acts that met the legal definition of rape. Furthermore, 84% of the men who had commited such acts said what they had done was definitely not rape.
-75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquintance rape had been drinking or using drugs.
-Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police.
stolen innocence
Innocence stolen without my permission
Innocence gone without my submission
Innocence lost through another's plan
Innocence no longer for another man
Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near
Innocence taken from a little girls heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart
Innocence dissapears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it's begun
Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon
-Mandi Ducroq
A horrible crime
Rape.....loss of innocence
Rape.....didn't have a choice
Rape.....Nobody heard my voice
Rape.....memory of the past
Rape.....hope it crosses my mind
erases out of my memory
so i don't have to remember the past
i wish she didn't tell me to go
so I would still have it
my innocence i mean
I used to be so clean
now i'm violated, unclean and dirty
and the guilt is killing me
even though its not my fault
i feel as though it is
when she told me to go i could have refused and ran
I could have dropped the stuff at the door
and ran.....but no.....i chose to go in
and he accomplished his mission
what he set out to do
i was only 5 years old.....he was 18
i hated every minute of it
I closed my eyes and imagined I was invisible
but he took all the invisibility
inside of me and i still remember the day
the scene keeps playing in my head like a movie
Rape.....didn't have a choice
Rape.....nobody heard my voice.
Funmi Esuruoso
Innocence gone without my submission
Innocence lost through another's plan
Innocence no longer for another man
Innocence turned to hatred and fear
Innocence gone, no man can come near
Innocence taken from a little girls heart
Innocence replaced by mistrust, you thought you were smart
Innocence dissapears like dew in the sun
Innocence faded before it's begun
Innocence obscured like a cloud over the moon
Innocence ripped away too soon
-Mandi Ducroq
A horrible crime
Rape.....loss of innocence
Rape.....didn't have a choice
Rape.....Nobody heard my voice
Rape.....memory of the past
Rape.....hope it crosses my mind
erases out of my memory
so i don't have to remember the past
i wish she didn't tell me to go
so I would still have it
my innocence i mean
I used to be so clean
now i'm violated, unclean and dirty
and the guilt is killing me
even though its not my fault
i feel as though it is
when she told me to go i could have refused and ran
I could have dropped the stuff at the door
and ran.....but no.....i chose to go in
and he accomplished his mission
what he set out to do
i was only 5 years old.....he was 18
i hated every minute of it
I closed my eyes and imagined I was invisible
but he took all the invisibility
inside of me and i still remember the day
the scene keeps playing in my head like a movie
Rape.....didn't have a choice
Rape.....nobody heard my voice.
Funmi Esuruoso
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Finally Precious.
So I finally got the chance to see Precious!!! It is based on the book PUSH by sapphire...... anywho I didnt even know what Push or precious was until some friends from school invited me to go see it with them. The only thing is we were going to meet up and by the time i got there tix were sold out...boooooo!!! :/ i know lol (but they got to see it)
SO i finally saw it!!! and I am glad because It has changed my life.... you may think hey well its just a movie.... BUt it has really opened my eyes!!! (Funny!! you guys remember my prior post?? the "open your fucking little pretty eyes" one) Well guess it was directed towards me afterall huh? i think this movie is based on a true story (not 100% sure) but it is real..... somone out there is going through the same thing right now.. But we rather not know.. we rather live in our own world which we often complain about and not realize that alot of people out there have it wayyy worse than us. It made me realize how blessed i have been to live the life i live... Not everything is daisies and rainbows but i definitely have alot to be grateful for.
Also as many of you know im extremely sensitive and emotional (lol its the musician and hopeless romantic in me) and extremely compassionate and generous as well for i do believe it is an honor and privilege to be able to give to someone.I have a heart for people i like to treat people the way i wish they would treat me.I would not be the person i am if some the people i know had not walked in my life and my desire is for someone to say that about me one day. I want to inspire someone i want to change someones life...... NO i am NOT perfect and NO i am NOT the greatest example... I might even be just the opposite!!
but sometimes a smile is enough to change someones world. I just wanna genuinely be there for someone.
So i am currently looking to volunteer somewhere.... I'll find something!! ... When i was younger i remember volunteering in a girls club it was lots of fun and i felt i had a positive influence on other girls. I also have some amazing memories of going on mission trips.. WOW THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT!!!!! it is definitely the best feeling everrr to show someone something they did not know. Ive been to the best of places and the worst of places I've traveled I seen things... I have also done alot of experimenting some things im not to proud of.... buT of everything ive seen and done....TRUST!!! when i tell you theres no greater feeling then giving to someone (especially when its not temporarily but when you know you have changed their whole mindset) nowww im not here to change anyone.... But sometimes people arent aware of their own greatness..and I just wanna let them know how awesome and special they are.
MOVIEEE SPOILERRRRR (kinda altho it might be on the previews) In the movie they ask Precious... to introduce herself with a set of questions and answers....One questions is "What are you good at?" and the girl says "nothing" (wow even just typing this i choked up a little lol) It really breaks my heart to think that people think that way.... How can someone really believe that???It just doesnt make sense (okay im officially tearing..DONT LAUGH AT ME!!! im sensitive lol) No but seriously its very heart breaking. I dont understand what will make someone think there not good at anything... (well then again i use to hear it all the time and it suckss especially when people who are suppose to love you are the ones who say it to you) My mom is amazing and i adore her.... but my childhood was a little bumpy....she use to constantly tell me i was good for nothing...(extremely hurtful ) WAIT!!! before you hate her!! LOL My mom realized it was wrong and never repeated those words to me now she makes me believe ALL MY DREAMS ARE POSSIBLE AND I CAN DO IT ALL!!! i can even fly she says (lol awwwwwwwww!!!!)
hahah im ridiculous.....
No but seriously kills me that people dont comprehend their greatness..... The world is theres for the taking and they dont even know it... *sigh* Everyone is good at somethign EVERYONEEEEEE!!! And you are all special and this world would not be the same without you... I sware lol
anywayy..... i mighttt have gonee off topicc couple times....i had alot of different thoughts while writing this... but its my blog and im just expressing myself and if it doesnt make sense then sorry lol but it makes perfect sense to me :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
videooo phooooneee
WOW i thought Lady GaGa was really sexy (and she is) BUT damnnn Beyonce makes her look bad lol i would never wanna stand next to beyonce!! LOL
Do you even know what she wants?
to be continued........... (but this song does a great job explaining it)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Must Have Missed Something
I must have missed something along the way..didnt know that getting drunk was cool, must have skipped that day.
I dont remember God saying 'Do you.' and only think about yourself, but who listens to God anyway, maybe I'm by myself.
Seems like everything that goes against his Word is considered cool, and when I dont go along I'm looked at like a fool.
So I'll speak my mind and pray that some will listen, 'cause God and mom's chancleta taught me something different.
To respect women even if they dont respect themselves, to look out for your neighbor and not only for your wealth.
For what has a man to gain if he loses his own soul, everything here is temporary and the same routines get old.
Im scared to go down that popular path, someone has to do it right, gotta stand for what I believe in, and put up a good fight.
I dont remember God saying 'Do you.' and only think about yourself, but who listens to God anyway, maybe I'm by myself.
Seems like everything that goes against his Word is considered cool, and when I dont go along I'm looked at like a fool.
So I'll speak my mind and pray that some will listen, 'cause God and mom's chancleta taught me something different.
To respect women even if they dont respect themselves, to look out for your neighbor and not only for your wealth.
For what has a man to gain if he loses his own soul, everything here is temporary and the same routines get old.
Im scared to go down that popular path, someone has to do it right, gotta stand for what I believe in, and put up a good fight.
BY: Robert Louis Rodriguez (a very pleasant funny young musician lol and friend)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
i've never been to good at this whole controlling my feelings thing.... but i have to be smart this time...
Because he is definitely
that guy i be stupid to trust.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
i have a thing for crazy women.
Why are these dudes girlier than me?
Seriously!!!!! due to different situations I have been in lately.... and by just observing the men out there
Ive realized that a lot of STRAIGHT men are girlier than me. Why?? This is not cool!!!!..... ughhhh its
just been bothering me lately........... blaghhh lfshuidshfkdiufhsdfujdshdsuosadshuhn984u89ejhsbaud
Just enjoy the video!!!! I LOVEE HER!!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
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