Monday, August 31, 2009

I've Heard.

I’ve heard that you wanna save me
Rescue me from this place I’m in..
And I’ve heard that you take the broken and you make it new..
And you make it new.
And I’ve heard of your mighty power of your unconditional everlasting love
And I’ve heard that you take the broken and you make it new…
And you make it new.
Well I’m tired of being disappointed and I’m tired of going round and round in circles
And I’ve heard that you’ll never disappoint me
For you understand my pain

So I say…

I surrender to you.
I surrender to you.
Show me all that is true, oh lord oh lord
I surrender to YOU.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

it is fair


Come on world Bring it On!!!!!!


Monday, August 24, 2009

The dangers of being left alone

sO.... i am now dealing with a consequence of a decision i did not think thoroughly. Ha!! so i had 2 lovely visitors in the summer (George and Mich whom both i adore) and we had an amazing summer. They left me alone for one day and i went ahead and....... shaved the side of my head. LOL i know!!! but I mean it wasnt completely impulsive it was something i really wanted to try... (or maybe it was just hairapy?.. probably) I actually loved it and i wanted to keep it for a while but my mother hated it ( i figured as long as i was still in the nest i could try to keep her happy) so my hair is now in the growing process and it looks stupid.... Now i have to keep my hair down everyday and that sucks.... I just want this s#!t to grow already!!!!!!

ooOHhhh!!! and guess wha i learned today??
That women are allowed to be topless in NY legally!!!! ahahah isnt that crazy!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Glorious.Just beautiful.Amazing.

WOW!!!!!! (i saw this vid in someone else's blog so glad i watched it)
That was just wow i dont even know what to say, Just watch it!

Adidas got it right!!


Usain Bolt is thhheeee man!!


i CANNOT wait to see this..... i literally cried watching the trailer ( im a little sensitive... :P lol)
but anyway I think EVERYONE should go see it .... Its a worth watching-learn something-change your life- open your eyes- you'll never be the same kinda movie

Dear blonde almost swiss looking Jesus,
Can i get an Adam Rodriguez!

hahahaha jk jk (Jesus is mexican Duh!!) ;P

okayy soo i've never read a twilight book in my life, i do own the movie and loved it at first but Mich ruined it for me :( ..... so i decide to never watch it again or care about new moon.... but hey i just saw this trailer and i always did like Jacob more than Edward.... Wolf boy is looking Riight!!! ;)

an last but not least..... some shrooms.

blaghhh stupid non embedded vids...
can anyone help with this?

Manos al aire

Tú, que pierdes el control
Hablando en alta voz
Hieres mi corazón
Yo, tratando de escuchar
No me puedo explicar
Qué extraña sensación.

Tú no me quieres entender
Y me mandas a callar diciéndome
No me debo sorprender
Porque así es la realidad
De nuestro amor

Y yo
No tengo armas para enfrentarte
Pongo mis manos, manos al aire
Sólo me importa amarte
En cuerpo y alma como era ayer

Tú que perdiste el control
Te dejaste llevar
Por la inseguridad
Yo que te he visto crecer
Me puedo imaginar
Que todo cambiará

Hoy aunque todo siga igual
Y me mandes a callar diciéndome
Que tienes que dominar
O será el final
Y yo no puedo así

No tengo armas para enfrentarte
Pongo mis manos, manos al aire
Sólo me importa amarte
En cuerpo y alma como era ayer


Mi vida eres tu

sorry no official video......... but the song is very nice :)