Saturday, August 22, 2009


i CANNOT wait to see this..... i literally cried watching the trailer ( im a little sensitive... :P lol)
but anyway I think EVERYONE should go see it .... Its a worth watching-learn something-change your life- open your eyes- you'll never be the same kinda movie

Dear blonde almost swiss looking Jesus,
Can i get an Adam Rodriguez!

hahahaha jk jk (Jesus is mexican Duh!!) ;P

okayy soo i've never read a twilight book in my life, i do own the movie and loved it at first but Mich ruined it for me :( ..... so i decide to never watch it again or care about new moon.... but hey i just saw this trailer and i always did like Jacob more than Edward.... Wolf boy is looking Riight!!! ;)

an last but not least..... some shrooms.

blaghhh stupid non embedded vids...
can anyone help with this?